One of the actions that can make your WordPress blog totally inoperative is to change the “WordPress Address (URL)” or “Site Address (URL)” field.
If you want to change the URL of your blog, for example trying to change the domain of your site, you should follow the steps of any of the following options to keep your WordPress running normally:
Restore the WordPress URL from the database
In this case, the steps to be followed are the following:
- Access the WordPress databse from PHPMyAdmin.
- Select the table “wp_options“, or “yourprefix_options” if you changed the WordPress prefix by default.
- Access the “Examine” tab.
- Look for the “siteurl” tab and click on the “Edit” button (the icon with a pencil shape).
- Change the current URL by the new one you want to setup and click on “Continue” to keep the changes.
Restore the WordPress URL with the wp-config.php file
In this case, you must:
- Access your hosting through FTP.
- Open the “wp-config.php” file.
- Right before the line “/*That is all, stop editing! Happy blogging*/ (almost at the end of the setup document), must include the following lines:
File: wp-config.php
define( ‘WP_HOME’, ‘’ );
define( ‘WP_SITEURL’, ‘’ );
- Keep the changes.
And that´s it. Now your readers or clients can enjoy Worpress again, as usual 😉