3CX Phone System is a comprehensive unified communications platform based on Asterisk that integrates IP PBX, email, instant messaging, fax, and collaborative features. It is a GNU/Linux distribution created by 3CX based on the Debian distribution. It has a web interface and includes capabilities such as call center software with predictive dialing.
Other alternatives include the following:
3CX PBX Installation
To install it, you can use the official script. Simply, create a new Debian 12 server and log in via SSH/console to execute the following command:
# wget -O /tmp/post-install http://downloads-global.3cx.com/downloads/debian12iso/post-install_12.1.0_46a7ea2.txt; chmod +x /tmp/post-install; bash /tmp/post-install && bash /usr/local/bin/post-install
With this last command, the installation process will begin. Choose the desired options and fill in the information requested by the installer. When the script is finished, the server will automatically restart. Enter through the emergency console and use the configuration option via the browser:
Create a rule in the Firewall profile to allow TCP port 5015 and use the URL provided by the server's emergency console to complete the configuration:
Once the process is finished, you will have 3CX ready to work with (remember to open the ports on the firewall of Clouding).
We hope this article was helpful🙂. Remember, if you have any questions about this or any other issue related to your servers on Clouding, don't hesitate to write to soporte@clouding.io We are here to help you with whatever you need!