In the following article we will explain how to manage the DNS zone of your domain, as well as how to add, edit and delete different types of records. To manage the DNS we must access our Client Area and access the DNS section (in the top menu).
Clicking on our domain will load a new page with all our records:
As we can see in the image above, we do not have any record in our zone yet. To add a new record we have to click on the plus (+) icon at the top.
Clicking on it will open a box where we can configure the registry settings:
Record Type: There are different types of records to configure in the DNS zone. By default some are shown, but if you click on “Advanced” you will be able to see other record types.
Subdomain: The name of the second level domain. For example: or
IP: Where do you want to access through the subdomain? In this part you have to write the IP of the server.
TTL: From “Time To Live” (TTL). This number is the time in seconds that the record will be cached. Generally, it is left as the default value.
Once we have created all our records we will have something similar to what is shown in the following image:
In each record we will be able to perform two actions:
- Edit: Allows you to edit only the last two parameters. If you wish to modify the “Record type” or “Subdomain” parameter, you will have to create a new record.
- Delete: Allows you to delete a record from your DNS zone.
Remember, if you have questions about this or any other issue related to your Clouding servers, do not hesitate to write to We are at your side for whatever you need, contact us!