When you enable a backup for your server, the default frequency (one week) and the number of backups to keep (set to 4) may not meet your needs. In this tutorial, we show you how to update the backup preferences.
This tutorial assumes that you have already enabled the backup option on the server and want to change its settings. If you have not yet enabled it, check out our article How to enable backups.
Update Backup Preferences
In Servers/My Servers click on the server you want to modify and at the Backups tab click on "Update backup preferences".
A new window will pop up with the title "Update backup preferences".
At the top, in "Current backup preferences" you can find the backup settings currently in place. In the example, there are 4 backups in a weekly basis. The price for the current backup schedule is shown bellow, at "Current Backup Cost". In the example, amount of 0.80€ will be charge per month (Approx) Without VAT for the current scheduled backup.
At the bottom, at "New backup preferences" you can set your new settings you want for the new backups. In the example, a daily backup has been set, overriding old backups every week. At "New Backup Cost" you will find the price of the new backup settings, in the example 1.40€ Per month (Approx) Without VAT.
Once the new characteristics with which the next backups will be made are chosen, click on "Submit".
We hope this tutorial has helped you out🙂. Remember, any further questions about this or any other issue related to your servers on Clouding, do not hesitate to write to soporte@clouding.io We are by your side for whatever you need, contact us!